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FLOOR Help Center
FLOOR Help Center

FAQs on adding and managing Online Events on FLOOR.

How to rehost your Floor?
Leaderboard on Floor
Customize the welcome message & the closed-mode message
Homepage Signage
How to create VIP conference room on Floor
Optimize branding from Floor dashboard
How to hide audience count from the session?
Various Session Types: Sessions/ Roundtable/ Break Out Rooms
How to host Hybrid Events on the FlOOR
How to buy Check-ins for your event on FLOOR
Community Wall
How to edit a session on Floor
Organizer Onboarding Videos
How to add our own Terms and Conditions of service on FLOOR
What does the Helpdesk Section have to offer on FLOOR?
How to playback pre-recorded session after the event is over?
What are the options for branding on FLOOR
Ticketing and Subscription of FLOOR
Options of Social Streaming on FLOOR
Roles & Permissions: Admin, Host, Moderator, and Speaker on FLOOR
What are the various types of users on FLOOR
How to Switch different modes of FLOOR
How to personalize your stage
Service Level Agreement - Enterprise Plan
Go Live with Pre-recorded video on FLOOR
How to manage session restrictions for attendees
Audio Interpretation on FLOOR
How to set up Virtual Background
How to manage Handouts
Advance analytics breakdown of an event on FLOOR
How to customize networking lounge tables
How to live stream your event on YouTube and Facebook
What are the functionalities and control settings of Admin on FLOOR
What are the functionalities for Host on FLOOR?
How to access analytics of the event hosted on FLOOR
How to retrieve data on Check-ins of your event on FLOOR
Definition and usage of Check-ins on FLOOR
How to change status of the session during event?
How to upload/ remove instruction videos from helpdesk on FLOOR
How to set up and customize networking lounge tables?
How to control session activities for visitors
How to hand over stage and control mic and cam of the panelist?
How to invite and remove attendees from stage
How to broadcast message during the event on FLOOR?
How to record/ download a session on FLOOR
How to block/ unblock a user on FLOOR