What are the functionalities and control settings of Admin on FLOOR

Created by Support 10 Times, Modified on Tue, 10 Sep at 4:41 AM by Support 10 Times

What are the functionalities and control settings of Admin on FLOOR
How is the role of Admin different from that of Host
Mini Chaturvedi
Written byMini Chaturvedi

There are certain functions and features on FLOOR which the organizer often does not want a host to have access to. Host is basically the moderator at the event so his access should be restricted to only the event's session activities on FLOOR.


Keeping this in mind, we have divided the role of host and admin in such a way that

  • Host can only control the activities on FLOOR while Admin, apart from FLOOR activities, also has access to the back-end Partner Dashboard to modify/ update any information about the event and to the settings on FLOOR.

  • Also, Host can Go Live on stage and share the screen with the panelists. But if the Admin goes Live on stage, he will not be visible to audience and won't be able to participate unless he clicks on Join Panel as shown below. 

  • Admins can handover stage to any panelist/ user. 

Note: We recommend admins not to join panel unless it is need of the hour!


Note: To exit the panel, you need to click on "Exit Room" on bottom right



The Admin dashboard comprises of all the features required to control the event and make it a big success.



This feature allows you to enable/ disable the required landing pages

Consequently, these categories won't be visible to attendees in the left menu of their screen.

Moreover, since there are too many options for the audience/ attendees on FLOOR, one of our important concerns during the event remains that the attendance of the visitors is intact and we do not loose any visitors in the sessions.

Therefore, you being a admin can anytime disable those options like lounges/ booths when the session is ongoing and if you wish to restrict them and do not want to loose them during sessions.



This option allows you to customize the look of your FLOOR.


a) Rename: You can rename the FLOOR as map, layout or any custom name.


b) Floor View Mode: This option lets you select the Floor Layout if you want to keep it as 3D Block View or 3D Layout




c) 3D Layout Map: You can choose the designs for your FLOOR layout as per the theme of your event.


d) Font Theme: Look & Feel as you like!

You can change Font of Floor


c. Color Theme: You may select the theme of the Floor whether you want to keep it Dark or Light


e) Landing Page: This option will allow you to set Default Landing Page for your audience, where they would first land after logging in the event.


f) Allow Theme Switching: This allows/ restricts Users to override default color theme.


g) Enable Social Wall: This will allow users to post and share feeds for the event and will give option to users at the bottom left of their screen with "#" icon


h) Festival Mood Add-Ons: This option allows you to select Festive theme on stage with options Snowflakes and Light.


i) Enable Organizer Logo: With this option you may display/ hide organizer logo in Partners tab



RENAME Main Menu Items

You can RENAME FLOOR Stage, Lobby, Lounge VIP Lounge, Booths and Helpdesk. You can either choose from the default options from the drop down or can event enter custom title name:




You may enable/ disable the option to include/ exclude public lobby option




This allows the Admin to control over networking option in the lounge. 

  • Admin can Rename the section Lounge

  • It is on the discretion of the Admin to make the networking table as private, by which users can lock their seats for private conversations.

  • The Admin can enable / disable the "Watch Table" option on the networking table which allows users to watch the ongoing conversation on the table anonymously.

  • Admin can also control number of tables and number of seats per table to open in lounge

Note: A few of the above features depend on the plan you have chosen. Kindly refer to this article to know more about how to set up and rebrand tables.



You may also enable/ disable the option VIP lounge/ Networking, meant for your panelists, in case, they do not want to connect with users in Lounge.



If you do not have exhibitors in your event, then you may disable the booth and networking pages through these options




As the name suggests, this may include one or two members (depending upon the number of attendees) from your organization who can always be available for help to your visitors/ attendees. For instance, if anyone faces any issues during the event, related to mic or camera, they may reach out to people available at the reception and share their concern. This encourages customer support.


Also, FLOOR has default videos on Visitor and Exhibitor Instructions uploaded in the Helpdesk Section. A few organizers demand to upload their own customized videos in addition to the existing ones or in place of them.



Note: Kindly refer to this article to know how to add/ remove helpdesk instruction videos




You may enable/ disable handouts tab to include/ hide from the event basis your requirement.




This allows Admin to select settings of their streaming corresponding to the network strength like we have in Youtube. It can be Standard, HD Standard (recommended) or HD Premium.





a) Screen Logo: This is the most prominent question asked from organizers if we can display their brand logo.

So yes, we allow you to select your own logo on screen through this drag & drop option. The logo will be displayed on the bottom right corner of the stage, besides FLOOR logo (shown below)


Note: You may also display your VIP sponsors' logo here to facilitate sponsorship in various sessions, if required.


b) Background Skin: You can select the background skin for your rooms through this option by selecting from the default images or by browsing any other image.


c) Landing Page Banners: You can add FLOOR landing page banner directly from Dashboard Settings




Compel your audience to flaunt with their eye-catching selfies on their social accounts. This in turn would help in advertising and promoting your event.

You can also Brand these photo booths with your own Logo.


With this feature, users can take their selfie on the event FLOOR, via Share & Invite link and share the same on their social media links. The image for the booth can be changed by clicking on the highlighted icon and it should be in PNG format.




  • You can edit and brand the frame with your logo image only in premium+ and enterprise accounts.







You can enable this feature for your panelists and booth owners to change their virtual background. Just enable the two toggles below to make the feature live.




  • This feature is applicable for panelists and booth owners only.

  • You get this feature in Premium Plus and Enterprise plans only. In the Premium Plus Account, you will have only the hand picked images (default templates) while Upload Custom Image feature is in the Enterprise Plan only.

  • The image would look flipped/ reverse/ mirror image to those who have performed the action of changing the background but it would look fine (ideal orientation) to the audience.

    For instance, in the above GIF image, the FLOOR logo is the mirror image. However, to the audience on the front stage it will be a real image.



This option will take you to the Organizer Dashboard at Event Overview page.

You may add/ modify information about your event. 

If you need more information and better understanding about partner dashboard, kindly Click Here



This option will take you to the Leads section in your partner dashboard.

Here, you can see the number of visitors registered and can send them mass message.


Note: Only those visitors would appear in the list who have completed their profile while registering.



This will land you to the Agenda & Schedule of the event at Partner Dashboard.

You can add/ modify sessions of the event. 



This will take you to the agenda of your partner dashboard. From here, you can directly edit information in any session of your event.




This option will take you to your sponsor page in your partner dashboard wherein you can add/ edit your sponsors information.

You may refer to this article to know how to add your sponsors.




This will let you navigate into Stage with Front stage and Backstage. You can directly enter any room from here.




This will take you to speakers section in your partner dashboard from where you may edit any information about your speakers.

You may refer to this article to know how to add/ invite your speakers




This option will take you to exhibitors section in your partner dashboard. You may edit any information about your exhibitors from here.

You may refer to this article to know how to add/ invite your exhibitors.




This option will take you to the Check-in/ Sign-in settings in your partner dashboard. You may modify sign-in methods for your users from here.

You may refer to this article for better understanding.




This will redirect you to the Check-In details of your users in your Partner Dashboard.

You may refer to this article to know more about Check-Ins.




As the name suggests, this will take you to the ticketing section in your partner dashboard. You may edit any information/ settings of your ticketing and badging through this option.

Kindly refer to this article to know how to set up user registration and ticketing from dashboard.




This is an exclusive feature which allows you to mass communicate with your audience or panelists on the Event Level or the Session Level.

This encourages engagement and helps in making the event more interactive.

Anytime during the event, you may write your message and broadcast to your  audience.



This is the most demanding feature wherein you can record your sessions. Once the session starts, the recording of the session starts automatically by default.

You can Go Live and STOP the same if you do not want to record.


You can stop and restart anytime as required. You can also Play them backstage and can also download the same


Enable/ Disable On-Demand Recording Playback: If the session has multiple recordings captured, you may choose which recording can be played if any user accesses the session after it is over


Note: If you have taken multiple recordings, they would show in this option but we recommend you do not click on Play during the event.


Note: If a user goes to any session via Stage, which is over and for which the On-Demand Recording Playback is enabled, h/she will see like below and can play & watch the recording


For other sessions, the screen will look like below:




This will allow you to Live Stream your event on YouTube or Facebook. To know how to live stream, kindly refer to this article.



This will redirect you to the Admins settings of your event in your Partner Dashboard.

You may add/ remove Admins from here.


Digital Handout Bag

There is a digital handout bag link at the top right of your screen. All the handouts uploaded by you at event level and viewed by you from any session would show here. You can manage the handouts from here as well.




This option will let you know your internet strength, your camera and microphone settings. If all is well and still you face any issues, you may click on reboot.




On the right hand of your screen you have multiple session activities options as below:

1) Partners: Using this option, you can hide/ show your sponsors ticker on screen


2) Discuss: This option will be available backstage as well as with Go Live. You may view/ participate in the discussions, bifurcated in three categories.


a. Audience/ Public: You can read public chat and can also write your own comments.

b. Panelists/ Private: Here you will be able to exchange messages among panelists only. This is a private discussion forum among speakers, host and moderators.

c. Archive: You can also archive any message, if required. Or can even archive complete chat/ discussion history, except the broadcast messages:


3) QnA: An attendee can ask questions from the panelists in two ways:

  • Raise Hand - The organizer can choose to answer these question by inviting the person on stage. You can invite them by clicking on the highlighted button below "+invite"

  • QnA discussion forum - Pick up the question from Questions Asked

  • You can bookmark any preferred hand raise or Question to be picked up later, by clicking on "star" icon highlighted below.

  • If the questions and hand raise are several in number, you may also sort them by time or bookmark, to be answered later



-In the hand raise option, if the guest does not leave screen himself, the host/ admin can also disconnect him Dashboard > QnA > Disconnect (in place of "+invite" option, it will show "disconnect")


-In the QnA option, the question picked to answer, would show as broadcast message on screen, to the audience as well.


4) Panelist: You can view all the panelists with bifurcation as Host, Moderator, Speakers and Admins and their respective profile from here. Also, you can connect with them via messages, by clicking on their profile picture.


5) Polls:  You may create polls, release them to audience and can even delete them, as and when required.

The questions in polls can be closed/ polar type with answers yes or no, or they can be multiple choice. Also, it is totally at your discretion if you want to show results to audience or nor.


6) Handouts: You can manage (upload/ publish/ unpublish) session-wise handouts from here. This option allows you to upload any required files, brochures or videos. Audience can view them in the handouts option from left panel menu. Please refer to the GIF image below:


7) Audience: With this option you can view all your audience/ users, their profiles and can also chat with them via messages.


Other Session Activities on the footer bar of screen


Mic: You can mute/ unmute yourself using this option while you are backstage.

Cam: This option allows you to put your camera on/ off.

Present Off: This will allow you to share your screen with other panelists at backstage.

Leave: By clicking on this you may anytime leave the screen/ session.

Language Interpretation: If you have enabled the option audio Interpretation then you/ users can choose language of their choice.

Full Screen: You can enlarge your screen by clicking on the highlighted button below. And then can get back to normal by clicking again on the same or clicking Esc.

Expand: You can expand screen to hide the sponsor ticker/ session activity display from right section of the screen




As the name suggests, this option will allow you to do settings for your various sessions. You can control various functionalities, personalize or live stream from here.

Just select the session from the drop down and navigate and select the option you require:




Room Status: You can Enable the Override Status and select the required status for the session from the drop down.


Please refer to what each status functions like:


Note: You may move the audience from one session to the next, independently, by selecting option "OVER".


Features & Functionality: Admins can enable or disable any of the functionality from right menu of the screen. Also you can set any of these as default option. 


Audience Interactions & Engagements: This will allow you to enable/ disable (show/ hide respectively on screen) any of the statistics below for the selected session. 


Broadcast Mode: If you want to stream your event on Floor, from 3rd party Studio, then you have to enable this option.

However, this feature is still in Beta.


On Demand Playback: If the session has multiple recordings captured, you may choose which recording can be played if any user accesses the session after it is over.


Audio Interpretation: Here, we have launched our much awaited feature of Language Interpretation for our audience. Powered by interprefy.com

When the meeting or webinar starts, the host can start the interpretation feature.

Attendees can then hear the translated audio in their language of choice, as well as have the option to mute the original audio instead of hearing it in a lower volume with their chosen language.





Room Skin: You can add background skin for entire FLOOR. Room specific skins can override FLOOR default skin.

Stage Background: You can select and upload any background image for your Stage

Welcome Video: You can select and upload welcome video for your session.



This will allow you to Live Stream your event on YouTube or Facebook. To know how to live stream, kindly refer to this article.



Anytime during the event, you may write your message and broadcast to your  audience. You can select whether at Event or Session Level.

 For Session Level, select the session, type in your message and Broadcast


Share & Invite

You can share the event on social media or can invite your friends directly, through this option, at the bottom right of your screen.



Exit Room

In case, you have joined the panel, you can exit the panel/ room, by clicking on this option.




On the left of your screen you will find certain landing pages as captured below, to update your attendees about the event and network with other participants.


Stage - This will show information about all the sessions/ rooms of the event. The one which are ongoing or about to start (in green) or which are scheduled later (in blue) and those which have ended (in grey). The number 2 implies that two simultaneous sessions are ongoing.



FLOOR - A user can click on this icon "Floor", to see the complete layout of the event.

You can arrange the complete placement of speakers, the VIP lounges, booths, sponsors, networking tables and agenda & schedule of the event as required.



Lobby - This will show you the list of the fellow attendees. You can search any attendee by name or company.


Lounge - We ensure that your event is interactive and engaging. So we allow attendees network among one another when desired. Here, one can grab a seat and network with others, any time during the event. This will let users leave the ongoing session and join their private meet. However, If they want, they may switch back to the live session anytime again.


Admins can customize lounge tables by adding brand logo images and naming them (Giving Titles). Kindly refer to this article to know more.


VIP Lounge - If any of the VIPS are present in their rooms then users can chat with them and can grab private meetings with them, at their discretion (If they are present in their rooms).

You can add Intro Video for speakers as well. For this, you need to seek the respective YouTube video link from the speaker and update that in their respective profile from organizer dashboard




Booths - Visitors can see all the participating exhibitors, their profiles, download their brochures. Also, if they are available, they may chat with them and can grab meeting with them at their discretion. If the exhibitors are in their room and available for meeting, it would show you in blue color as below. Else, they would show "Busy".


One can browse booths using Tags/ Categories filter at the bottom right of your screen in Booths section. Also, you can Search any booth by name from the option at the left.

Please refer to the screenshots here:

You can sort and order, rearrange, the exhibitor booths via organizer dashboard, just by drag & drop option as shown below. The same order would start reflecting in real time on FLOOR




Handouts - Herein, attendees may find and download all the documents, brochures or videos uploaded by you.


Helpdesk - As the name suggests, this may include one or two members (depending upon the number of attendees) from your organization who can always be available for help to your visitors/ attendees. For instance, if anyone faces any issues during the event, related to mic or camera, they may reach out to people available at the reception and share their concern. This encourages customer support.


Feeds: You can post your feeds/ thoughts about the session from here and can watch & like others' feeds as well. Also, you may archive any feed.



Please Note:

  • Use laptop/ PC for the best experience. And, our platform works best on Google Chrome.

  • Refer to the Checklist before accessing FLOOR

Please refer to our video below on YouTube for more insight on Host Dashboard


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